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Sveikos, mamytės smile.gif
Gal yra žinančių ir praktikuojančių Elimination Communication? O gal yra forumas šia tema?
Įmetu angliškai medžiagos apie šį klausimą.
Mes tai darom nuo penkių mėn. Sekasi įvairiai, dažnai būna, kad užsimirštam, ir nebeišgirstam vaikiuko pykimo, kai jis į tualetą nori, o kartais jis užsispiria ir nedaro, nors po penkių minučių į kelnes pridaro. Šiaip panaudojam ir sauskelnes (dažniau kelionese), ir medžiaginius vystyklus, ir nuogas mažius pavaikšto, visaip būna, bet tikiuosi, kad penkių mėnesių darbas nenueis veltui smile.gif
Šiaip visada padaro po miegučio, rytais beveik visada pataikom padaryti kakutį. Darom ant vonelės, ruošiamės pereiti ant puoduko. Jei kur išvykę, tai tinka ir tualetas, ir kriauklė ir pan.

Babies are aware of their elimination needs from birth and communicate about those needs through various vocal and bodily signals. Within the first few months of life, babies have the ability to consciously release their bladders and bowels. By taking them to appropriate elimination places during infancy, we enable them to maintain a connection with their bodily sensations and learn from an early age what to do when they experience those sensations.

* Elimination Communication should always be gentle, non-coercive, and based on babies' interests and needs. Communication is the most important aspect of Elimination Communication, and should be the focus.

* Elimination Communication is begun in infancy - starting as early as possible is recommended. After one year, Elimination Communication principles can be applied to toilet learning.

* Practicing Elimination Communication allows families to avoid struggles sometimes associated with diaper changes and toilet training. Elimination Communication can also account for and reduce some "unexplained" fussiness in infants, and eliminate diaper rash.

* Elimination Communication can be done using diapers all of the time, some of the time, or not at all. By reducing the number of diapers used, Elimination Communication provides a more environmentally-sound option than conventional cloth or disposable diapering.

* Elimination Communication can be practiced full-time or part-time, by stay-at-home parents or by working parents. Elimination Communication can be practiced by people of all income levels and physical abilities.

* Prompt loving attention to our babies' needs promotes strong baby-parent bonds, fulfilling natural human instincts. The bond of trust built through feeding and comforting is strengthened when caregivers respond to the baby's elimination needs. Elimination Communication helps strengthen communication with our babies and is consistent with Attachment Parenting practices.

Since there are a few threads going I thought I would just start a new one so everything can be in the same place. I am no expert on the topic but I have been doing this with my LO for most of his life and we are pretty successful though not diaper free yet -- we still have about 4 or 5 damp (cloth) diapers a day.

Reasons to EC:
- The sooner you start potty training the easier it will be, the later you start the harder. At this point your baby may have started to develop a psychological dependence on diapers, but it will be much easier to break that dependence now than at 2 1/2! Ideally though EC should be started with a newborn.

- Yes, EC takes a little work, but it's a lot easier (and more pleasant!) than changing a dirty diaper. There's no way to completely avoid dealing with LO's pee and poop, so why not be proactive? A stitch in time saves nine!

- You CAN do EC on a part time basis and still have great results. Even if your LO is in day care during the day, you can still do EC in the evenings and on weekends. You don't have to devote your entire life to your baby's bodily functions -- just by introducing the potty on a casual (but consistent) basis you can cut months or even years off your baby's time in diapers!

- Save time (have your LO fully potty trained long before the average age of 2 1/2), money (those size 5 diapers and pull-ups are expensive), and the environment (fewer disposables in the landfill and less extra laundry)!

How to get started:

- Buy a little potty. You can use the big toilet, sink, or bathtub instead, but LO will probably be more comfortable and have a greater sense of autonomy on his own potty. I recommend the Baby Bjorn potty.

- Start paying attention to your baby's cues. How often does your LO poop? Is it at a regular time of day? After a morning feeding? Does he start passing gas first? Does he get really still? Grunt? Get red in the face? Shiver when peeing? Every baby has his own habits, and you've probably already started to notice some of your baby's.

- Put your baby on the potty a few times a day just to get him used to it. Play patty cake or give him a special toy to make it fun. You may get instant results, but don't be discouraged if it takes a little extra practice. Your baby has been using a diaper for 9 months now so this is a pretty big change.

When to go potty:

This part is really up to you. Try to read your baby's signals, but even if you can't tell when he has to go, take him anyway. Possible ways to get started might be:
- Incorporate a trip to the potty into diaper changes. The diaper's already off so why not?
- Take baby potty when you have to go yourself.
- After feedings
- Immediately after waking from naps/sleep
- Before baths
- At regular intervals such as every hour
- Anytime you see baby still has a dry diaper/hasn't peed in a while

Other tips and advice:

- Cloth diapers are more conducive to EC since it's easier to tell immediately when they're wet and just how wet they are. I use either a fitted diaper with no cover (with a t-shirt NOT a onesie!) or a Bummis cover with a prefold insert. You DO NOT need fancy, expensive or super-absorbent diapers to do EC. The whole point is to be able to change baby quickly and often. You can get a basic supply of CDs for less than $40 (2 Bummis covers and a dozen prefolds). BUT YOU CAN DO EC EVEN IF YOU USE DISPOSABLES.

- Use a cue sound (psssss), word (go pee pee!), or sign every time LO is on the potty. It doesn't matter what you choose, but try to be consistent.

- Spend some time diaper free. I'm not a big fan of this method since my LO still pees every 20 minutes or so when he's awake, but some people swear by it. It forces the baby to be aware of his bodily functions, but be prepared to clean up a few spills! Maybe a good outdoor exercise!

- Change LO very frequently so that he gets used to the feeling of being dry and more sensitized to when he is wet. This applies mainly to CDs.

- Time on the potty should be pleasant for LO. If he doesn't pee in the first minute then he probably doesn't need to go, but poops sometimes take a little longer (though you should get some warning farts to let you know that something is on its way down). NEVER force baby to sit on the potty if he seems uncomfortable or upset. If baby rejects the potty at first keep introducing it gradually and gently over time until he feels more comfortable with it.

- Get the whole family on board! If you have a DH, grandparents, or older children to help with the potty trips, then it is even easier!

I see a lot of additional questions in other threads, and to answer most of them I would say -- there are no real rules for EC! Jump in headlong and do whatever works for you. The only thing you HAVE to do is take your baby to the potty. When, where, how often is totally up to you.

Having said that, this is what I do:
We EC all the time at home, but I don't break my neck or drop everything to get LO to the potty in time (except for poops!) which is why we still have a few wet diapers every day. Fortunately my DH is fully involved in EC so we take turns with the potty trips, so it really doesn't seem constant or overwhelming. Babies do pee a lot!

When we're away from the house I just let my LO pee in a diaper, though you can potty your baby in a public restroom or take your training potty with you wherever you go. I'm just not that hardcore. The fact that we use a diaper on outings has not interfered with LO's at-home potty training, but we don't typically spend too much time away from home.

Our results:
Though he won't "hold it" for very long if he has to pee, he won't poop in his diaper at all. We have maybe one or two poop accidents a month and those are always because DH and I are working on something and not paying attention to the baby.

He knows exactly what the potty is for and will release his bladder/bowels instantly when he sits down.

He very rarely pees in his sleep. He wakes up dry even after 10 hours of sleep with many night nursings!

Where we're not that successful:
Diego does not seem to mind a wet diaper one bit! He will even gladly pee all over himself when his diaper is off. He still pees really often during the day even though I know he's capable of holding it longer (since he does at night). Once he is walking and/or able to signal for the potty himself I plan to become more hard core about potty training. Maybe I just haven't given him enough diaper free time?? Right now though I'm content with the fact that he knows what his potty is for and will use it every single time. My goal is for him to be completely out of diapers by 18 months, but I wouldn't be surprised if it happens sooner.

g.gif manoji panele i puoda sesdavo nuo 8men.Darem viska ir sisiuka ir kakutis thumbup.gif ,oi kiek dziaugsmo visiems buvo.atejo 11men ir kaip su ranka nueme,nebesedi nors tu ka.ir net nebezinau ka bedaryti?
Na, ką. Šiek tiek luktelėjau ir pasižiūrėjau, ar neapsigausiu. Nepopuliari ir, sakyčiau nesuprantama ši tema lietuvėms mamytėms.
Apie tai daug rašoma užsienio žurnaluose ir daug apie tai pati perskaičiau. O kas čia nesuprantamo lietuvėms? O gi kiek suprantu, kai įtari, kad kūdikis jau kakoja/kakos jį juk reikia pasodinti/laikyti sėdimoje padėtyje kad jis išsituštintų kažkur. O kaip jį sodinti, o ypač naujagimį? TAIGI NEGALIMA!!! Ir lietuvaitės pareigingai stengiasi nesėdintį vaiką laikyti tik gulimoje padėtyje, nebent labai drastiškai būna priverstos ieškoti kitokių pozų jei vaikui diegliukai ir pan.
Taip Rasmužė ir parašė - nuo 8 mėn
QUOTE(Donalita @ 2007 09 14, 19:34)
Na, ką. Šiek tiek luktelėjau ir pasižiūrėjau, ar neapsigausiu. Nepopuliari ir, sakyčiau nesuprantama ši tema lietuvėms mamytėms.

kodel taip kategoriškai nusprendei kad tema neidomi? o nepopuliari gal del to kad ne visos mamos skaito ir supranta angliškai??
QUOTE(daisi @ 2007 10 27, 21:20)
kodel taip kategoriškai nusprendei kad tema neidomi? o nepopuliari gal del to kad ne visos mamos skaito ir supranta angliškai??

Matau, pirmą mano žinutės sakinį perskaitei. Puiku 4u.gif Dabar pasistenk susikaupti ir perskaityk iki galo, jei nori gauti atsakymą į savo klausimą smile.gif

Perskaitei? Gerai, dabar palygink žinučių datas.
Tai atlikusi, paklausk savęs, ar kartais neatkeliavai į šią temą per nuorodą iš "ar mokinat daryti vaikus ant puoduko?" Tikrai, šios nuorodos dėka temos peržiūrų skaičius išaugo tongue.gif
Sveikos ,
na angliskai as nelabai suprantu tai negalejau perskaityti tos medziagos, o savo mergyte auginu su sauskelnem ir net neisivaizduoju kaip kitaip galetu buti, na seniau issiversdavo musu mamos ir be ju. Aisku jau pradedu savo dukryte sodinti ant puoduko bet dazniausiai rytais. Tai padaro kakuti , o sysiuka padaro visada, kada bepasodinciau. Na o kaip reiketu eiti i lauka , ar pas daktaru be sauskelniu net nezinau, juk lauke jau salta ir jei apsisisiotu tai jai salta butu, nebent vasara gali rizikuot, bet man kazkaip nelabai malonu butu vazineti po lauka su apsisisiojusiu vaiku. CIa mano nuomone.
as is to anglisko supratau, kad cia jau nuo gimimo reikia taip daryti..
a prie ko cia lietuviskumas? bigsmile.gif
gal rimtai reik pradet i tulika begiot? kartais kai plikas guli, jau matau, kad susikaupe - kazkas bus. o paskui reik balute valyt ax.gif
QUOTE(zoske @ 2007 10 28, 20:18)
as is to anglisko supratau, kad cia jau nuo gimimo reikia taip daryti..
a prie ko cia lietuviskumas?  bigsmile.gif 
gal rimtai reik pradet i tulika begiot? kartais kai plikas guli, jau matau, kad susikaupe - kazkas bus. o paskui reik balute valyt  ax.gif

Svarbu yra tai, ką tu nori vaikui pasakyti, perduoti. Ar tai, kad kakoti/sisoti bet kur yra tvarkoje, ar kai nori kai nori kakoti, tai geriausia daryti taip, kad nereiktų pačiam kakose/balose gulėti.
Jei iš tiesų matai, kad vaikas nori sisioti, tai kodėl nenunešti jo į tualetą? Juk ir jam bus smagiau, ir tau, ir vaikas žinos ką kur daryti.

Mūsų močiutė tai krykščia iš pasitenkinimo, kai palaiko mažiuką virš vonios, ir pasako "ssss", o jis ir pasisioja biggrin.gif O pastaruoju metu tai ir jis pats džiūgauja pamatęs srovelę bėgančią bigsmile.gif
wub.gif [quote=Raideles,2007 10 29, 12:33]
Svarbu yra tai, ką tu nori vaikui pasakyti, perduoti. Ar tai, kad kakoti/sisoti bet kur yra tvarkoje, ar kai nori kai nori kakoti, tai geriausia daryti taip, kad nereiktų pačiam kakose/balose gulėti.
Jei iš tiesų matai, kad vaikas nori sisioti, tai kodėl nenunešti jo į tualetą? Juk ir jam bus smagiau, ir tau, ir vaikas žinos ką kur daryti.

Mūsų močiutė tai krykščia iš pasitenkinimo, kai palaiko mažiuką virš vonios, ir pasako "ssss", o jis ir pasisioja biggrin.gif O pastaruoju metu tai ir jis pats džiūgauja pamatęs srovelę bėgančią bigsmile.gif
Smagu,kai vaikas pradeda daryti ant puodo ar tulike,jau suprasti pradeda kur sie reikaliukai atliekami wub.gif
Sveikos mamytes smile.gif

Na, as labai nustebau radusi tokia tema cia ir suzinojusi, kad apskritai pasaulyje kudikeliu sysinimas ir kakinimas yra praktikuojamas.

Mes savo maziuka taip pradejom sysinti ir kakinti nuo trecios savaites. Kol kas viskas vyksta sekmingai ir lauksime puoduko eros, nes jis dar nesedi. Mes ji auginame taip "pusiau" su palom - nakti ir lauke miega su sauskelnem, ir jei kur vaziuojam taip pat. O siaip dedame palas ir gaudom sysiukus. Kartais pavyksta ne vienos nesuslapinti. Ka as atradau tame - tai, kad pradejus gaudyti sysiukus, labiau isiklausai i vaika, labiau pradedi ji jausti apskritai, jauti kada pavargo, kada ko jam reikia ar norisi, atsirado tokia tarpusavio harmonija thumbup.gif

O lietuviskumas siuo atveju irgi buna "detas", nes i mus ir taip daug kas snairai ziuri, kad naudojam palas. "Dieve, ir kam toks vargas!!!!" - buna ju argumentas, nors atrodo yra juk skalbykles. (Tiesa, buna, kad ir rankomis prasiskalauju susisiotas palutes mirksiukas.gif ) O vaikui tai daug maloniau medziagines palos nei popieriniai ir celofaniniai pamperiai. Juk ir juos reikia daznai keisti, jei nori kad vaikui butu gera. O tada jau ir ekologinis aspektas iskyla. Na, bent jau mums taip ax.gif
labai norėčiau mokint savo vaiką jau būt be pamperių, bet jis nesėdi ant puoduko nors tu ką doh.gif . pasėdi kelias sekundes, pasijuokia, ir lipa lauk. jei bandai neleist, sudomint kuo nors, tai pykti pradeda unsure.gif . tai kažkaip ir nesinori jo per prievartą ant to puodo laikyt verysad.gif . o jei kurią dieną sugalvoju nedėt pamperso, tai visas kelnes per pusdienį sušlapina. kas kad bandau ant puodo sodint dažnai - ne nedaro jis į jį, o vos apmaunu kelnes - iškart pridirba doh.gif . nežinau, ką bedaryt verysad.gif
QUOTE(ingalp @ 2007 10 29, 13:22)
labai norėčiau mokint savo vaiką jau būt be pamperių, bet jis nesėdi ant puoduko nors tu ką doh.gif . pasėdi kelias sekundes, pasijuokia, ir lipa lauk. jei bandai neleist, sudomint kuo nors, tai pykti pradeda unsure.gif . tai kažkaip ir nesinori jo per prievartą ant to puodo laikyt  verysad.gif . o jei kurią dieną sugalvoju nedėt pamperso, tai visas kelnes per pusdienį sušlapina. kas kad bandau ant puodo sodint dažnai - ne nedaro jis į jį, o vos apmaunu kelnes - iškart pridirba  doh.gif . nežinau, ką bedaryt  verysad.gif

Aš nesodinu ant puoduko, nes maniškis irgi nesėdi. Bet kaskart keisdama kelnes pakabinu virš vonios, kriauklės. Ir pasakau SSS AAA. Ir taip nuo gimimo. Ir jei būnu atidi, ta mažiau šlapių kelnių būna smile.gif